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Bison Road Jam – Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Bison Road Jam – Theodore Roosevelt National Park

July 11, 2023 in Nature Photos

Yesterday, I drove through the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We did see four of the wild horses grazing on the plentiful grass that is present through the park. We had driven for about 20 minutes without seeing any animals. As we drove over a crest of the road, we encountered a herd of the Bison who share the prairie with other animals of the park. I managed to video about 3.5 minutes before they passed our position. Not a single animal rubbed the car as they passed. Many managed to roll in the banks along the side of the road. Enjoy the video.

  • Was in TRNP when we came upon a Bison Road Jam. Bison on both sides of car, so close you could hear them snort and could smell them
  • John Jacobsen
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